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Wonder Words Membership Program

"For years you have asked me to do this with Wonder Words, and now I have finally agreed. This is your chance to learn and review Wonder Words online, with new insights, clarification, help, extra effects, insider history, and.,, well, you'll see. From the input of everyone who seriously wants to learn more about Wonder Words and its principles from me, we have developed the Wonder Words Membership Program. We'll investigate more deeply my Wonder Words principles, and you will get my latest insights and applications of these, and more." - Kenton Knepper

Kenton continues to work on Wonder Words with mentalists and magicians  through his Wonder Words program now.

Kenton's Inner Sanctum is a yearly or monthly membership program.

With The Wonder Words Membership You Get Each Month: 

* A main monthly focus or topic related to Wonder Words.

* 2 or more pieces of Kenton's original applied psychology principles and excerpts from Wonder Words and previous works. Kenton will focus in on specific areas of Wonder Words, so you can understand these better ideas better than ever before. 

* 1 or more effect related to the principles or concepts, so you can learn in a practical way how to apply the principles from Wonder Words to your own performance. 

* Special insights and corrections about Wonder Words. Too many people have learned this material incorrectly, because they got the information second or third hand. Learn the real approach from Kenton, the originator and innovator of these ideas applied to performance magic and mentalism.

* Access to a Members Only chat area (on Facebook, so you will need a Facebook account) allowing you to talk about these principles with other Students, post questions for Kenton, ask for future monthly topic discussions, and with occasional visits and input from other well known names in magic and mentalism.

* First chance and members only access to special materials or rare releases.

Each month will be a different set of teachings. Each month you gain access to a new set of materials to keep as long as you like on your online Members page. New file access will appear to the next month's lessons and secret files will appear about 30 days after your previous files.

We highly suggest you get in as soon as you can, to catch as much of these interviews and teachings as possible. Each month brings a new set of applications, study guide, interview, etc. 

Membership is a recurring payment, either monthly or yearly. You may cancel at anytime. If you cancel, all access will be revoked.  Only current paid members will have access to new files, interviews, membership chat area, and other privileges.

If you cancel a yearly subscription this means you will not be renewed for the next year. Yearly subscriptions are for a full year from purchase date, not a partial year, and may be canceled by the end of the paid year. You will be paying for only 10 months, not 12, with your yearly subscription, so you get TWO MONTHS FREE with a yearly subscription.

Monthly subscriptions can be canceled at the end of a payment cycle.

We have made access incredibly affordable so anyone who really cares to learn directly from The Master his original principles and applications, with all the insider information, can do so easily.

For Review Then:

Charter Monthly Membership (Renewed Monthly) - $24.97 

Charter Annual Membership (Renewed Once A Year) - $250.00

You get two months free when you go for the Yearly Membership

You may cancel at anytime. Cancel by the end of the terms of your renewal to be sure you will not be charged for renewal in the next month or year. We cannot cancel retroactively, but we will be sure to cancel you right away if you so choose, so you will not be charged for the month or year to come. If you sign up for one year you will be able to cancel at anytime to not be charged for the next year. Yearly memberships cannot be refunded but may be canceled before the 365 days of your membership, so you will not be charged for the next 365 days.

This is rare access to the Master Kenton Knepper. You will have insider perspectives on how to use Wonder Words, how Kenton's Wonder Words should really be applied, the proper approaches to Kenton's Dual Reality principle, and more. The only way to get this sort of inside access to Kenton costs thousands of dollars, unless you can get join this Wonder Words Membership. 

We open and close access to the Wonder Words Membership in short spurts, and only rarely do you get a chance to join. Now is the time. Apply now while you can, by choosing a monthly or yearly Members access today, and become one of the rare select few who are privy to Kenton's deeper understanding of Wonder Words and related principles.


Anyone who is thinking about training in one of Kenton Knepper's classes, do it! I can testify for Kenton's teachings. I performed a show recently, and everyone was convinced what I was doing was the real deal. I had people coming up to me after the show, talking about how they were working towards what I was doing through working real magik, even though most of what I was doing was effect. The lines were blurred, but they were convinced I was really a mind reading mystic. This was a repeat gig, the second year I performed it. After seriously studying under Kenton for one year, my magic went from looking like parlor tricks to the real thing. I highly recommend studying under him if you are serious about enhancing your performances. I stand by that 100%, and will openly tell anyone of this valuable experience. Kenton never asked me to say this about his teachings, but it is a true fact. I'm a way better performer from learning his material. - Brian Srota


Question: I have all of the Wonder Words downloads and everything Kenton has ever put out. Should I still join?

Answer: Many of our first members have almost everything Kenton has ever offered. This Members Only program helps you review Kenton's original Wonder Words in bite-size pieces, as well as offers new ways to expand and apply these principles. Many members say that having a way to be guided through Wonder Words alone is worth more than the price. You will get new insights, applications, essays and interviews too. Your membership will help you apply and expand what you have already. People who do not have absolutely everything for certain will of course find this membership very useful as well, even if they are new to Kenton's principles or Wonder Words.


Question: I don't have Wonder Words yet. Do I need to buy it before I join?

Answer: No. Wonder Words will be taught to you, piece by piece, each month. You will get the original material each month, as well as expanded material and insights about the monthly material.


Question: I already own the Wonder Words Course. Is there a discount if I join this membership? Will I learn anything new?

Answer: This membership is more than Wonder Words alone. It was created to help people deepen their understanding of Wonder Words, apply Wonder Words better, expand on ideas in Wonder Words, and give students of Wonder Words more things to play with, and test out. So, there is not a discount for the membership, as membership isn't just Wonder Words only. You will get pieces of the original Wonder Words in digital audio files each month. But that is where the similarity stops. You will also get new audio, video and writing from Kenton about applying the principles from Wonder Words, as well as additional effects and information.


Question: I want to interact in the Wonder Words Membership Facebook page, but I don't want to join Facebook. Can I still participate in the group discussions?

Answer: You will need a Facebook account to join the Wonder Words Member Facebook discussion page.


Question: Where is the Wonder Words Membership Facebook page?

Answer: You will be able to join this group once you have completed registering for the Wonder Words Membership here.  After completing the information and paying for membership, send an email to saying you joined the Wonder Words Membership and want to join the Facebook group too. If possible, include a link to your own Facebook page for verification. You will be added within 24-48 hours usually, after becoming a member of the Wonder Words Membership.


Question: I have an AOL account. I have heard there might be some issues with AOL

Answer: They call it "AOHELL" for a reason. AOL likes to block emails from the Inner Sanctum and devices we use. You'll still have access to everything, but to be sure to get all the updates and notices from us, we highly suggest you use a NON-AOL email. Just create a free one with Gmail or another free email provider. We have no control over AOL blocking emails from the Inner Sanctum. Just a suggestion from a couple Inner Sanctum Members.