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Suggestion 101 and 102 Membership

From $16.67 / month

"Kenton's Suggestion 101 and 102 is a fantastic price and value. Far more important than those one trick DVDs that you will not use, or that gimmick that really doesn't work in the real world.
These are ideas that really create impact not just for real world audiences, but even in yourself.
If you are ready for something better, get this course without a doubt!"

 Pablo Amirá

"There are so many pay by the month avalanches of video etc. It's a pleasure to see someone with your insight presenting something focused and concise. Making a choice rather than braving the blizzard."

- Larry Germain, TV and Theater Producer


                    I Want to Learn Suggestion!


                         I am just beginning.



You don’t have to know anything at all about suggestion to take this Course. This is the perfect Course for performers who are new to suggestion. 


If you have some background in using suggestion in performance, you will find much here to help you increase your performing edge. The first lessons will be important review material for you, and perhaps get you to think about aspects you missed. Then we will move into more advanced work as we go along.


Whether you are new or more advanced, Suggestion 101 will take you step by step through the important process of understanding what suggestion really is, and how you can use it in every part of your performance.

Suggestion is much more than a presentational frame. But what is it really, and how does it work?

More important, how do you make it work for you in performance—and avoid falling prey to its devious influence in everyday life?

Most of what everyone thinks suggestion is, is invalid.

But for you, that’s about to change. Because the man who has studied Suggestion most deeply is finally releasing the most complete course on suggestion ever undertaken. And you are invited to learn it.

From the simplest, most subtle, most basic (and sometimes, surprisingly, the most effective) insights and techniques all the way through to advanced concepts and tools that are so powerful and persuasive they’ll not only improve every performance you give from now on, they might, some say, be so influential that they can even effect major political elections.

Click the membership button on this page and be in the know.

Of course, that’s just a suggestion.

Or is it?

PS. If you’re almost but not yet ready to accept your Charter Membership Discount into Kenton Knepper’s Suggestion 101-102, you can:

  1. Re-read the above and see how many elements of suggestion you can identify, then join the course and learn much more. Or,
  2. Read some of the information Kenton gave us about the course below, then join it and learn much more.

Simply join now using the membership button on this page today.



What Kind of Suggestion Will I Learn?




In this Course you will learn insights on how to connect with people, how imagination and suggestion work, how your costume and character makes suggestions to your audience, how words can cause suggestions, indirection, etc.

We begin by thinking about the essentials, and then into Wonder Words, touch, personality readings as rapport, even stage and close-up areas as secret suggestion.

Far too often people assume “suggestion” is a complex process that uses strange and difficult practices. We will work with practical and reliable suggestion, not workshop or laboratory theory.

The membership unlocks the next step in the learning process each month, so you don't get overwhelmed.

It is easy to follow with simple tools to begin to put into practice right away.

Like most of my courses it starts at one level and leads you to another, higher level.

I have made the art of suggestion a popular principle in modern mentalism and magic.

Others made suggestion difficult. I created this Course to make the true power of suggestion easily grasped and applied.

If you play with what I teach you, you will radically change your performances for the better. Your regular life might start to get better too.

Please note, this special Course is for Mystery Performers, not the general public.






With This Course Each Month You Get: 

* A main monthly focus or topic. 

* Videos discussing the main points and principles. These videos total between 30 minutes to one hour. Kenton speaks about all the details of Suggestion 101 and 102 on video, also demonstrating specific applications, and using video as a Suggestion too--to help you learn more quickly and deeply.

* Extra materials in PDF, audio or additional bonus videos as needed.

* Study guides to help you recall and apply the ideas discussed, that lead you through your own person journey of Kenton's principles.

* Access to a Members Only chat area (on Facebook, so you will need a Facebook account) allowing you to talk about these principles with other Students, post questions for Kenton, ask for future monthly topic discussions, and with occasional visits and input from other well known names in magic and mentalism.

* First chance and members only access to special materials or rare releases. 

Each month will be a new level of insights about Suggestion. Each month you gain access to a new set of materials to keep as long as you like on your online Members page. New file access will appear to the next month's lessons and secret files will appear about 30 days after your previous files.

 Each month brings a new set of applications, study guide, interview, etc. 

Membership is a recurring payment, either monthly or yearly. You may cancel at anytime. If you cancel, all access will be revoked.  Only current paid members will have access to new files, interviews, membership chat area, and other privileges.The videos in teaching memberships are for current members only. We don't release much of the membership material separately, and we don't have downloads of the videos to keep them out of the hands of non-members. If you ever leave a membership please be sure to take notes on the video sections as they are not accessible if you are not a member. Thank you for understanding and helping us keep our special membership teaching to those students currently enrolled in these memberships. The memberships get material other teaching sections do not. 

If you cancel a yearly subscription this means you will not be renewed for the next year. Yearly subscriptions are for a full year from purchase date, not a partial year, and may be canceled by the end of the paid year. You will be paying for only 10 months, not 12, with your yearly subscription, so you get TWO MONTHS FREE with a yearly subscription.

Monthly subscriptions can be canceled at the end of a payment cycle.

We have made access incredibly affordable so anyone who really cares to learn directly from The Master his original principles and applications, with all the insider information, can do so easily.

For Review Then:

Monthly Membership (Renewed Monthly) - $24.97 

Annual Membership (Renewed Once A Year) - $250.00 

You get two months free when you go for the Yearly Membership

You may cancel at anytime. Cancel by the end of the terms of your renewal to be sure you will not be charged for renewal in the next month or year. We cannot cancel retroactively, but we will be sure to cancel you right away if you so choose, so you will not be charged for the month or year to come. If you sign up for one year you will be able to cancel at anytime to not be charged for the next year. Yearly memberships cannot be refunded but may be canceled before the 365 days of your membership, so you will not be charged for the next 365 days.

You have access to all the files in your account as long as you are a member. You won't have to download video files to see them, as we will have them always available in your account membership files.

