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Kolossal Killer Intensive Video Training

  • Learn this classic properly from the Master himself.
  • Discover secrets rarely used or never taught before.
  • Find out the ONE CARD version of Killer.
  • Kenton finally tips a basic version of SLIM KILLER here only...The smallest, slimmest Killer EVER.
  • This is a full recording of the original live training session and a PDF of Killer Konceptions.

This is a recording of a live online training event.

2.5 hours of working with Kenton, his famous students, and others! Learn the original, new unknown variations, and Kenton's working Killer version he performs now.

Important! Because the Intensive Trainings reveal some of Kenton's most cherished and important secrets, we do not offer refunds on these powerful training sessions.


What IS "Kolossal Killer?"

You've seen it on shows all over the world.

Any card thought of is in the mentalist's wallet.

Any card taken, even from an "invisible deck" is the same card the magician has in his wallet.

No palming. No 52, or 26, card index.

It's SO famous, the trick's closing line has been featured in movies and television all over the world.

Kenton's KOLOSSAL KILLER radically changed how predictions with playing cards could be accomplished.

Over the years, Kenton has honed this to a fine skill anyone can use with exciting new breakthroughs not taught before.

In this LIVE ONLINE INTENSIVE TRAINING you will learn directly from Kenton Knepper himself.


  •     The real inner secrets and approaches to make Kenton's classic method practical.
  •     How to use Kolossal Killer to do what looks like real magic to even skeptical people.
  •     Using Kolossal Killer without a wallet.
  •     Using Killer with only ONE CARD as your prediction.
  •     Find out Kenton's ultimate secret in a basic Off By One version: The SLIM and small Killer version.

You will also learn from Kenton's famous students PABLO AMIRA, TOMMY BURNETT and STEVE WACHNER as well as from the Master himself.

This is a RARE live event.

This is a recording from a true intensive training, where you will learn how to do things with Kolossal Killer. You'll get Kenton, Pablo, Steve, and Tommy's help to be sure you know how to do it all.

Usually people pay Kenton alone thousands of dollars to learn from him like this. Here is your chance to get in on the real deal.



Kenton will reveal his secret SLIM Kolossal Killer version (with the Off By One method). This is the slimmest, smallest, Kolossal Killer ever, using regular cards!

This will be available for sale later as physical prop for at least twice the price of what it costs you to attend this entire live session.

You will not only learn it, you will be able to easily make your own, for your own personal use (not for resale!)

This is what Kenton himself uses today. It has fooled every mentalist and well-known student who has seen it.

YOU will be able to do it easily, after you learn it in this session.

YOUR ATTENDANCE LEGALLY ACTS AS A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT. This means that if you buy your place for this event, you CAN NOT teach, share, or tell anyone about what you learn here. We take this very seriously.

Learning Kenton's SLIM KILLER is a highly protected teaching. You are free to use this and anything we teach you in your own performance. The teaching is for your own use only. You may not sell, distribute, teach, or make modifications to give or sell to others - period. Your attendance is a legally binding agreement. You agree to keep all information shared strictly confidential. There will be a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR CHARGE PER EACH INFRINGEMENT of teaching, making, or distributing anything based on what you learn in this very special and private session.

You will be free to make Kenton's SLIM KILLER for yourself without any extra charge, and perform it anywhere you like, with full rights, when you learn from the recording of this live event.


You will have a recording of the entire event, including all the details of SLIM KILLER, in your account. So sign into your account BEFORE you buy your here. That way you'll have access to it all in your account! So be sure to sign into your account FIRST before you click the buy button on this page.

You get live hands on one on one teaching with the Master Kenton Knepper about Kolossal Killer, learn new presentations, new methods, AND be let in on Kenton's secret SLIM KILLER that will sell for more than twice the price outside of this LIVE INTENSIVE.

(Note: Props are hard to download. They do NOT come with this event. You can easily make your own Slim Killer once Kenton shows you how.)



Plan on 2.5 hours of live event. The SLIM KILLER will be taught near the end of this event.


WATCH AND LEARN with Kenton Knepper himself on his classic effect, along with all sorts of lost secrets, new nuances, famous Kenton students, and entirely new workings too.


  1. KK Intensive Replay

  2. Slim Killer Live on Online Show


  1. Killer Konceptions PDF (2.25 MB)

Tags colossal, killer, intensive, Kolossal
Media Type Digital Lesson

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