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An Enchanted Evening

  • Spoon Behind Parties
  • Bent Cent
  • Real Character Development
  • How to Enchant Others

This Kenton classic has been praised by many performers as one of the important works which helped create their own character and the way they think about magic and mentalism. FINALLY, it is re-released and at an even better price than ever before.

Here are some highlights:

  • Spoon Bending Parties -- A detailed examination which many mentalists have asked Kenton to share with them alone, or keep to himself. How to get others to do metal bending in their own hands in a Psi-Party atmosphere. Now with an updated version previously obtainable only as a separate download.


  • Bent Cent - This popular piece is still being sold as an individually marketed item to this day. Learn how to make your own and save money too.


  • The Linguistically Twisted Kenton Tarot Trick - A popular effect for mentalists and weerdists. A classic. 


  • Flower Psychological Forces as a Readings - including a seeming personality test.
  • Packet Trick Readings - Is it a packet trick or a reading? It's a lot of fun, and surprising too. There's more than meets the eye here.


  • Enchanted Flower Production - Another marketed effect that is tipped in this manuscript. A no palming, no holder spring flower production that has fooled many well-versed performers. It's EASY. An amazing invention, you can make yourself.


  • As you can see, "Enchanted" is a wide and eclectic blend of magic, mentalism, essays on enchantment, psychology, linguistics and loads more in one place. 
  • Most of all, this manuscript has gained acclaim and status due to the other, non-trick material, it contains. This work will push and challenge you into reconsidering who and what you are, as well as what you do.


  • Beautiful, poetic, miraculous, memorable magic and mentalism that is very different. "Enchanted Evening" has enchanted many of our best performers, and changed how we view ourselves and our art.

    As one friend put it, "It�s as eclectic and as interesting as Kenton -- it's pure Kenton, but everyone will benefit from it greatly whomever they are."


    We say if you like Kenton, you'll love this!

    Some of the effects in this work have been sold on their own, and a few will be found in our Mind Reading Lessons. The main thrust of this work however is on the ART of magic/mentalism, and is sure to push your buttons as well as challenge your conceptions of performing.

    Originally $40.00 and worth ever penny to the serious student. NOW an incredible deal as a new download.


  • Over 60 full size pages


  • NOTE: The info on the last page of this work is outdated contact information! Do not attempt to call or email. Instead, visit our website to contact us!! No one associated with us is likely to answer at the old contact info on the last page of this work.

  • You will receive two PDFs with this as one or more of the items in this work have been put out on their own in the past. That means you will get an additional expansion of this original work when you order this download now!


    I just wanted to send you a quick note of thanks for all that you've contributed to the magic community over the years. 

    I have an area of my library dedicated to your work, and have even encouraged my wife to read the first 20 pages or so from "An Enchanted Evening" (she, like me, found it incredibly enlightening). 

    If nothing else you may take pride in the fact that yours is the only magic book I've ever convinced my wife to pick up for longer than it takes to wrap-it up as a present...

    You put so much of yourself into your works that they take on a power of their own. In Enchanted Evening you mention that this is probably the reason that you have such dedicated fans to your work and your ideas; I must say I totally agree. 

    You can pick up any magic book and find a good trick, and most even contain a hidden gem. Your ability to mix your magical and spiritual philosophy with solid performance advice and effects is a lesson in indirection that itself is worth it's weight in gold. 

    By communicating in this way you get more bang for your buck (regarding entertainment value) during a performance, but this is also what allows you to say so much in your manuscripts. It's how you can speak beyond your words.

    Thank you.

    ~Zach Paige

    IN PDF FORMAT FOR IMMEDIATE ACCESS. See for yourself why this book has been cited by so many as a reference for their character, performances, careers and daily life.


  1. (504 KB)

  2. bendparty.pdf (483 KB)

Media Type Digital Lesson

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